The quality of Turkish hazelnut is unique. In 2021, Turkey exported 344 thousand 370 tons of hazelnuts to 122 countries. Exporters earned $2,260,105,304.
Everyone knows the taste and quality of Turkish hazelnut. These delicious hazelnuts reach all over the world with record production every year. Having achieved great success in hazelnut cultivation, Turkey always keeps its targets high. In 2021, Turkey exported 344 thousand 370 tons of hazelnuts to 122 countries. Exporters earned $2,260,105,304.
According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, Turkey produced 665 thousand tons of unshelled hazelnuts in 2020. In 2021, its production increased to 684 thousand tons.
Turkey has a share in 62 percent of the world's hazelnut production and 72 percent of global exports. 2021 has been the year of new records. Especially in hazelnut exports, Turkey has been rising steadily. The country reached the highest level in the history of the Republic with 344 thousand 370 tons.
Turkey exported 158 thousand 465 tons of hazelnuts in the 2021-22 export season. The season starts on September 1 and ends on December 31, 2021. Exports worth 981 million 190 thousand 866 dollars increased the success of the country.
Exporters expect this increasing trend to continue. If hazelnut supply is not hindered and there are no problems in the exporter's access to hazelnuts, it will continue. They aim to reach a new record by exceeding 350 thousand tons at the end of the 2021-22 season.
Italy produces the most hazelnuts after Turkey. Italy's production in 2020 was 160 thousand tons. Nevertheless, in 2021, there was a great decrease in production in Italy due to drought. According to the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC), Italy's production in the 2021-2022 season decreased by around 60% to 70.000 tons. Georgia's annual production was 55 thousand tons. On the other hand, Azerbaijan produced around 50 thousand tons. Turkey alone produces more than all other producers. It is already the leader in exports with a share of 72 percent.
Before the harvest began, hazelnut production in Italy decreased by 60 percent. This means Turkey exports an extra 45-50 thousand tons of hazelnut kernels. This was a huge opportunity. Hence, Turkish hazelnut broke an export record in 2021.
Black Sea Region Hazelnut and Hazelnut Products Exporters' Union celebrated the export success. The union made a press release in December 2021. “Exporters broke another record by reaching the highest level in the history of the Republic. This record was achieved with 344 thousand 370 tons of exports. On the other hand, Turkish exporters exported 158,465 tons of hazelnut kernels between 1 September and 31 December 2021. They gained 981 million 190 thousand 866 dollars from this export.”
In 2021, many companies got involved in the export race. The companies that exported the most hazelnuts in 2021 were Ferrero and Balsu. The total export amount of Ferrero is 543 million 929 thousand dollars. Balsu exported 31 thousand 588 tons of hazelnut kernels. The value of this export was 209 million 327 thousand dollars.
The season, which started on September 1, 2021, will end on August 31, 2022. Turkish exporters aim to reach 340 thousand tons of exports this season. There were predictions that the Covid-19 pandemic would harm hazelnut exports. However, the concerns did not materialize. In the season that started on September 1, sales continue at the level of expectations. It seems that exporters will reach their target of 340 thousand tons by the end of the year.
The cooperation of producers, exporters and the government plays an important role in success. Hazelnut is a product of primary importance among agricultural products. Above all, hazelnut exports make great contributions to both farmers and exporters. It is a crucial product in Turkey's foreign trade and economy. If this great pace is maintained, exporters will have sold all their hazelnuts by the end of the season. Therefore, a large amount of foreign currency will have entered the country, and positive developments will continue to occur.
According to experts, Turkish hazelnut exports will not decrease from now on. If hazelnuts grow normally, Turkish hazelnut exports will not fall below 300 thousand tons per year. It will easily be able to reach 350 thousand tons.
Turkish Goods is a solution partner of international organizations in production and product supply in Turkey. Using market competitiveness, we discover key resources, control every part of the production process, and obtain the most accurate price. Turkish Goods provides exceptional service to its partners looking to import products from Turkey.
Turkish Goods aims to invest in sustainable growth and reduce the costs of doing business by supplying hundreds of products every year. We serve our customers from seven continents in 13 languages. Turkish Goods offer unrivaled service in the sector with pricing in 48 hours. You can contact the Turkish Goods team to import the best quality hazelnuts from Turkey.